What do you find in your Inbox? Porn on #2 in spam chart!

Sep 25, 2007 13:40 GMT  ·  By

Pornography is back in its well-deserved place. Earlier this year, shares and other financial subjects have been beating porn in the spam race, but adult movies and pictures are now once again filling up inboxes as a torrent of spam hits us harder than ever.

I've seen a lot of statistics about how spam is doing this year, and it is a clear thing it has increased by much, in part, I think, due to botnet activity. 95% of all messages we get are spam, as Ipswitch announces. This means there's a 50-50 chance for a single message out of ten to be a legitimate one. The numbers are huge!

So, in case you're wandering what's with the title - it's about what people see when they look in their inboxes. Medicine related spam leads the top, acquainting for a quarter of all spam messages, then, in second place, with 21% of spammed out e-mails, is porn. Then, in third place are the undecipherable e-mails (the ones with embedded images). Gambling is in forth place, as usual, while finance/phishing mails are down on number 5. So that's what you get when you open your inbox - Viagra (sometimes Cialis or Valium) and porn, and lots of them! Things don't look too good if you ask me!

"Spam remains the scourge of the modern business, resulting in lost productivity in offices throughout the land and shows no sign of disappearing," comments Ipswitch Sales Director for Northern Europe, Chris Greaves. "The importance of having an efficient anti-spam filter that is flexible, extensible and provides automatic updates 24x7, is now more important than ever."

Last year, more than a quarter of the messages we got over the web were legitimate, and earlier this year, we've had statistics of only 80% being spam, and now this huge number (95%) strikes me really hard. Spam is out of control and it's an international thing? it's so ugly, serious and lasting, I think that soon we're going to hear "a spammer walks into a bar" jokes!