The bed does everything but bagels...

Jan 15, 2008 11:19 GMT  ·  By

Apparently, there are studies that say women will often choose sleep over sex. As far as I am concerned, it's not quite true. However, upon taking a very good look at the following product, I might reconsider.

The Starry Night bed could be the next big hit after the waterbed. It is king-sized and uses vibration sensors and load cell technologies to measure exactly just how much a sleeper tosses and turns. And check this out! The bed will tell you exactly how many times your mate has got out of the bed during the night. Ain't that diabolical!

You can perform your tai-chi exercises in it, as the vibration technology can detect and monitor the rhythmic breathing patterns that indicate relaxation. After analyzing the data, the smart bed compares these movements to a 30 days baseline measurement of the sleeper and then provides tips to improve the quality of the sleep.

Using an advanced refined vibration-detection system, the Starry Night bed can also detect the snoring and automatically articulate the sleep position by up to seven degrees to open the nasal passages. According to the manufacturer's website, once the snoring stops, the bed will automatically return to its original position.

The Starry Night features a Good Morning Screen that indicate the precise chronology of movements and snoring during the night, and the history screen compares last night's sleep to previously recorded sleep patterns. The makers claim that " after a night of bad sleep, the Tips Section offers suggestions for improving a person's energy during the day and getting a better night's rest the following evening."

Moreover, using liquid-based Peltier technology, the mattress can be set to "pre-heat" or "pre-cool" both sides of the bed from 68 degrees to 117 degrees Fahrenheit. You might also like to know the Starry Night boasts a surround system, an 1080p LCD based projector and DVR capabilities.

And if you decide to take your precious notebook to bed, the Starry Night witty bed provides wireless Internet connectivity and a wireless keyboard. Internet is projected via an 120-inch screen. The Starry Night boasts 1.5 TB of disc storage, as well as 4 gigs of DDR2 RAM.

"There are cars that park themselves and ovens that are programmed to refrigerate and cook your food. But the bed has generally been a passive inanimate object. It's time that our bed become our sleep counselor. And when we improve our sleep, we can improve our quality of life," Mark Quinn, group executive vice president of sales and marketing for the bedding division of Leggett & Platt, says about his company's product.

If you already feel your eyes heavy and you're getting tired and sleepy, you should know that the Starry Night will hit the market in the first half of 2009 and will retail between $20,000 and $50,000, depending on the amount of features you desire...and the amount of money you're willing to spend!

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