The third title is already in development

Oct 28, 2008 04:38 GMT  ·  By

Saints Row is a pretty interesting franchise, with the first Xbox 360 exclusive title gaining a fair amount of fans and having pretty decent sales. Recently, the second title in the series launched and promised to take the action and story from the first game to new heights in terms of graphics, gameplay and offer the player a much bigger world.

Although the game was launched not a while ago, controversy has already surrounded the open and sometimes very violent gameplay which enabled gamers to kill a wide variety of characters in its fictional city. It was bound to happen but now it seems that the police protest was the only bad thing for Saints Row 2.

The associate producer of the game, Dan Sutton, talked about this title and revealed quite a lot of interesting stuff about the development process of SR 2 and how the team wanted to depart from the “Grand Theft Auto clone” title. But the most interesting piece of information he revealed was that the two games and the third title would take the story element into a new direction.

“Well, we knew a lot of people were upset with the last one because they were playing it and it was like 'oh gosh, I've got to wait for the next one', but in SR2 we tie-up a lot of loose ends. I think we tie it up deliberately. We've already started work on Saints Row 3, and we have a new direction we want to go in with that which we of course can't talk about. We wrap up a lot in this one. There's no frustration.”

It definitely sounds like the development team is very optimistic about this franchise and is really backing it up 100 percent, but starting on Saints Row 3 is a pretty risky decision. SR 2 did receive a fair amount of positive reviews, largely for its humorous gameplay and if the team manages to recreate this feature, then the third title might manage to get the fans of the series interested.