May 6, 2011 06:56 GMT  ·  By

Existing jailbreak tools can be employed to break the latest iOS firmware from Apple, according to several tweets fired away by those in a position to know.

iPhone Dev Team Musclenerd aggregates a few tweets from various knowledgeable sources, including one by Stefan Esser, the author of the latest exploit used to jailbreak iOS.

Esser wrote in a tweet, “Confirmed: Apple did not kill the untether vulnerability in 4.3.3 - my iPod 4 is running untethered jailbroken at 4.3.3.”

Musclenerd follows with a tweet of his own noting that “until i0n1c gets a chance to port his exploit over to 4.3.3, redsn0w will give you only a tethered 4.3.3 JB.”

He advises users to carefully point the utility at the iOS 4.3.2 IPSW to achieve the jailbreak.

Comex himself, a prominent hacker and member of the infamous iPhone Dev Team, confirms: “i0n1c's bug is not patched in 4.3.3.”

The Dev Team is yet to issue a post on their blog to officially acknowledge this for the masses, and while iOS 4.3.3 is hackable with the latest version of redsn0w, jailbreakers might want to stay put until the team adds support for actual iOS 4.3.3 IPSWs in redsn0w and / or PwnageTool.

It is also unclear which devices are supported and which not, but it would seem all previously jailbreakable models are still a go.

As of yet, there is no word on support for CDMA (Verizon) iPhone 4 units.

This article has a purely informational purpose and doesn't, in any way, suggest that you should hack your Apple device.

Using hacks may render your device unusable, or may reduce the quality of your experience employing the respective device.

If you choose to download and install jailbreak tools, you will do so at your own risk. Unlocking / jailbreaking your iPhone / iPod touch / iPad / Apple TV may violate your warranty or the EULA with Apple and / or your cellular-service provider.