New players will still enjoy the upcoming RPG

Apr 15, 2015 17:19 GMT  ·  By

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, the upcoming role-playing experience from Eidos Montreal and Square Enix, is structured in such a way that newcomers to the series won't be alienated, while veterans who went through Human Revolution will be satisfied.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was presented to the world last week, and developer Eidos Montreal provided quite a lot of details about the story, which once again focuses on Adam Jensen, the protagonist of the previous entry in the series, Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Mankind Divided treats newcomers quite well

Seeing as how that last game appeared on PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and a few other platforms, not all future Mankind Divided players might be up to speed with the plot and Jensen's adventures.

Especially for those newcomers, Eidos Montreal's Game Director Jean-Francois Dugas mentions on the PS blog that Mankind Divided is structured in such a way to avoid alienating those who are new to the series.

However, he emphasizes that only those who've played Human Revolution will have the best experience, although it's unclear just what benefits will be available for Deus Ex veterans.

"Our goal is to make the new game satisfying for those who played DXHR without alienating newcomers. The way we’re building the story, the world state, etc., you should have a very good understanding of what happened without having played it. However, if you really want the full deal, you should play HR. Apparently the game is fun," he says.

Mankind Divided takes place a few years after the previous game and continues the saga of Adam Jensen, who's now an anti-terrorist agent who tries to diffuse the conflict between regular humans and augmented ones.

Eidos Montreal promises to deliver some interesting quests and allow for plenty of choices, but it seems that none from Human Revolution can be imported by players in order to customize their version of Adam Jensen.

The game is set to debut in 2016 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One platforms.