Its exact nature will be revealed later in the week

Jan 6, 2015 08:03 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Bungie and publisher Activision are announcing that they will soon be delivering a Legendary item to all players of the social shooter as a sign of their gratitude, with the drop set to take place later in the week via the Postmaster.

The information comes from the official Twitter account of the company, but the studio is not offering any clues about the nature of the reward or the reason why it is getting ready to offer it to the community.

The fans have quickly began to speculate about the nature of the Destiny Legendary token of gratitude, with some believing that it is an entirely new game feature designed to make it easier for players to get through the major Crota’s End raid or to get more powerful weapons.

But the team at Bungie uses the word small in its message, which is probably a hint that it will offer a small cosmetic item in order to celebrate the successful run of the game.

The delivery might take place on January 9, in order to celebrate four months since Destiny was first introduced.

Presumably all gamers will get a message from the company in order to make sure that they visit the Postmaster and get their reward.

Destiny is already preparing for its second major expansion

Despite the fact that it has been out for only four months, Destiny has become a big success, with more than 12.5 million gamers playing it just before the end of last year and almost double the number of Guardians created.

The Dark Below is the first expansion for the social shooter and it has introduced a new, increased level cap and more content to explore.

A leak says that Bungie is already working on the second major content drop, called House of Wolves, which will be offered in March and is designed to deliver about the same amount of new activities to the community.

A bigger expansion is also being planned for 2015 and will tweak more aspects of the game, while introducing a wider range of new content for fans to enjoy at some point in the fall.

The developers have also said that a smaller team is already exploring new ideas for a full sequel.  

Destiny Images (9 Images)

Destiny already has an expansion
An increased level capCrota is challenging players