The shared world first-person shooter is coming out on September 9

Aug 26, 2014 06:47 GMT  ·  By

Developer Bungie has confirmed that players won't be able to trade items in Destiny, at least not for a while, and each and every one of the Guardians will have to work for his gear.

Bungie's online multiplayer first-person shooter Destiny is scheduled for launch on September 9, and the company has announced that it's already on its way to the printing presses.

Although the game will have a pronounced role-playing game influence, complete with an extensive loot system, player won't be able to do any item trading in order to improve their gear.

"Nope. We want you to earn 'em. You should be able to tell a badass story for every sweet jewel in your arsenal," Bungie writes in a blog post on its website.

"Once you earn them, the various Guardians under your account will be able to trade them. But weapons belong to the players who acquire them through action and bravery," the studio further clarifies.

A few months ago, a Bungie designer mentioned the possibility of a player-driven economic system making its way into the game, should the call from the community warrant its implementation.

Publisher Activision might see the potential for increased earnings in a real money auction house, but for the time being it's a feature unlikely to creep into Destiny on its own, given the negative experience with Blizzard Entertainment's real money auction house in its action role-playing game hit Diablo 3, which was removed in March this year.

Although the auction house was good on paper, allowing people pressed for time to enjoy some of the end-level content and gear, it came with a slew of problems that ultimately marred the gameplay experience for many of the game's fans.

Gold inflation and a loot system that offered completely randomized gear, based on the assumption that players would trade items they couldn't use between them in order to gain access to better gear, led to many players having an unrewarding experience where they didn't get any usable items, and perusing the auction house listings became a chore.

In any case, former Halo developer Bungie stated its commitment to continue development for the upcoming shooter well beyond its release date, and announced plans to release the first of the game's expansions, titled The Dark Below, sometime in December this year.

Destiny is set for launch on September 9, coming to the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 consoles.