The team talks about Oryx and the new subclasses

Jun 18, 2015 23:30 GMT  ·  By

The Taken King is shaping up to be the biggest expansion yet for Destiny, and the development team at Bungie is ready to deliver more information about the campaign and the new subclasses soon after the initial E3 2015 reveal.

Luke Smith, a creative director working on the social shooter, explains in a video that his team is trying to make sure that the new content will satisfy all long-term fans of the game, with a focus on adding a major new destination that will deliver some surprises for the community.

Oryx is the focus of the single-player element of The Taken King, a very powerful enemy who returns to the solar system to avenge the death of his son Crota.

His dreadnought is designed to be a major new location for gamers to explore, and the fact that this is a ship is giving Bungie a chance to explore new ways to create levels, with more surprises hidden in different places and some interesting ways to interact with the world.

The development team also says that there are more enemies added in The Taken King and a wide array of weapons and items that gamers can use to improve their Guardians, although an increased level cap has not been mentioned yet.

Destiny will continue to be improved based on community feedback

The Taken King will also introduce a subclass for each of the core Guardian types, each with a unique new super power and designed to bring some new capabilities to a team of three players.

Gamers will also get access to more strikes and other end-game content centered around the Crucible.

Earlier this week, the developers deployed the update for Destiny, which is designed to deal with the problems the community has been reporting with the Prison of Elders mode.

In the short term, the company will continue to listen to the fans in order to see which elements of the social shooter can be improved via further patches.

The Taken King for Destiny will be launched on all platforms on September 15, and there are some exclusives for those who play on Sony's home consoles.