Actress gushes about Ashton Kutcher, the wonders of growing old gracefully

Mar 18, 2010 09:14 GMT  ·  By

Demi Moore leads an enchanted life in her Hollywood Hills home, complete with a loving (and much younger) husband and three kids, and a career to die for. She’s still considered one of the most beautiful women in showbiz, a title she’s been holding on to for over two decades now. Still, in person, Demi is far from the diva one might imagine her to be, the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar writes, after sitting down with her for a friendly chat.

For one, the actress does not consider herself any better than her fans, which also include her two and a half million followers on Twitter. She’s started this twitterverse adventure with husband Ashton Kutcher simply because she believes it’s the only way she gets to meet people (and not the other way around) with whom she would certainly never cross paths in real life. She doesn’t have a financial stake in doing this, in being a very active twitterer, and neither does Ashton, with whom she has regular cyberdates, as her fans must know.

Speaking of husband, Demi says she just knew the first time she saw him that he was the one. “I knew it had the potential to be something special right away. It was like meeting somebody that I’ve just known where you just recognize one another. It was so disproportionate, the level of emotion we were experiencing to the time we had spent together. When you don’t know someone, you can’t just jump and say, ‘I love you.’ ‘Nice to meet you, I love you!’ Yeah. No. We used to end our calls or emails with ‘And everything we don’t say’,” Moore tells Harper’s Bazaar of the beginning of her romance with Ashton.

Given the much mediated age difference (she’s 47, he’s 32), Demi has come to hate the term “cougar,” especially when used in reference to her. Personally, she’d like it if she were called “puma” (granted she’s to be called something in the first place) because she believes there’s a softer quality to it. Unfortunately, the choice is not hers to make and she’s very aware of it, as she also is of the fact that “pumas” are only those women who are in their 30s, as one of her friends told her.

Still, looking at her, no one would be able to tell her real age. “And despite what antiaging ads say, growing older can be better. ‘I feel better in my skin, 100 percent,’ she says. ‘That’s the tradeoff. You have greater effects of gravity, but the better sense of yourself you have is something I wouldn’t trade. Women who lie about their age – why?’ She’ll try a new skin cream (her latest, Stemulation, along with the Clarisonic Opal, a sonic skin-care machine), ‘but I’m not an extremist. I mean, I’m not risky with haircuts. Someone did just bring me the latest fad from Russia, though,’ she laughs. ‘Horse shampoo and conditioner’,” goes the Harper’s piece.

For the full feature on Demi Moore in Harper’s Bazaar, please refer here or pickup the April 2010 issue, out on newsstands now.