Stars do detox diet together, say so on Twitter

Jul 14, 2010 17:31 GMT  ·  By
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher go on the Master Cleanse diet, say it’s not to lose weight
   Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher go on the Master Cleanse diet, say it’s not to lose weight

Though nutritionists constantly warn of the dangers of detox diets, especially the Master Cleanse, of which they say it’s no more than a fancy way of starving oneself, they continue to have plenty of followers. Celebrities are the most fervent believers in the benefits of this type of “diets,” and some are even proudly tooting their own horn for sticking with it. Such is the case of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, Us Magazine informs.

The two took to Twitter to announce they’d started the diet together as a couple – and had plans of also finishing it together. While Demi seems to be pretty used to starving herself (the cleanse consists mostly of liquids, banishing all solids for 1 or 2 weeks), Ashton is having serious problems coping with it, as his tweets and Us Magazine can confirm. Thus, on the second day of the diet, he was craving steak, whereas his wife was happily saying she had already become accustomed to it.

“The couple that deprives themselves together...? Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have gone on the super-strict Master Cleanse together, they announced on Twitter. The eating plan – which Beyonce also used to slim down for Dreamgirls – features ‘meals’ that consist of maple syrup, lemon water and cayenne pepper. Moore, 47, swears she’s not doing it to lose weight. ‘This is about health!!!’ she Twittered on Sunday,” Us Magazine writes.

“She added shortly after, ‘2nd day of master cleanse and off to hike with hubby and the dogs. 2nd day better than the 1st!’ Still, she may not make it much longer. ‘Let you know if I make it to day 4,’ she told one of her followers. Kutcher, 32, is having an even harder time. ‘9 hrs into the master cleanse. I want a steak, a beer, and a blow-pop. Hmmm this is gonna be rough,’ he wrote Saturday,” the same publication further writes, citing the stars themselves.

However, despite Demi’s claims that she’s not going on the diet to lose weight (which is what Jessica Simpson was also saying a short while ago) but because she’s focusing on her health, countless voices online are pointing out that this is the main reason why anyone would want to live on lemon juice and cayenne pepper for so many days. In fact, as we also informed you a while back, if this diet is anything that’s not healthy.

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