Former Disney star is no stranger to personal struggles, goes public with them

Feb 4, 2014 14:59 GMT  ·  By
Demi Lovato: “Drugs are not something to glamorize in pop music or film to portray as harmless recreational fun.”
   Demi Lovato: “Drugs are not something to glamorize in pop music or film to portray as harmless recreational fun.”

Demi Lovato turned her life around when she finally realized the severity of her problems and checked into rehab at the relatively tender age of 18 and, now that drug addiction has claimed another life, she’s speaking out on the need to stop glamorizing this disease.

Over the weekend, Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead of an apparent OD in his New York apartment, with various reports indicating that he had bought a deadly strain of heroin that’s already claimed the lives of over 100 people.

Before falling off the wagon, Hoffman had been sober for 23 years and, before that, he had struggled with both alcohol and drug addiction. He was always very candid about that, in the hope that others would not fall victim to addiction as well.

In paying her respects to the late actor, Demi says the same, while stressing that there should be no glamorizing addiction or drug use.

“I wish more people would lose the stigma and treat addiction as the deadly and serious DISEASE that it is. Drugs are not something to glamorize in pop music or film to portray as harmless recreational fun. It's not cute, ‘cool’ or admirable,” Demi writes.

Pop stars who constantly sing about Molly or any other drug should pay attention. We won’t name any names here.

“It's very rare when people can actually predict their addiction and even then, you never know when too much is going to take their life or take a bad batch of whatever it is their using. It's time people start really taking action on changing what we're actually singing/rapping about these days because you never know if you could be glamorizing a certain drug to a first time user or alcoholic who could possibly end up dead because they end up suffering from the same deadly disease so many have already died from,” Demi says.

“This stuff is not something to mess with. Why risk it? Addiction IS a disease. Please spread the word so we can take the taboo out of discussing this illness and raising awareness to people of all ages. RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman.. An INCREDIBLE artist who lost his life to this horrible disease.. May you rest peacefully and in complete serenity now that your pain is gone,” the singer says.

Since completing her rehab program, Demi has been actively campaigning for more transparency on addiction. She too used drugs and consumed alcohol, but she also sought treatment for emotional issues, eating disorders, and self-harming.