Mar 28, 2011 14:54 GMT  ·  By

As some may or may not know, Spanish is the second most commonly used language in the United States, and while it may not have happened before, Dell decided to deliver a notebook with its keyboard and OS customized in this very language option.

Usually, when hearing of a top-tier PC maker releasing a new computer, especially one bearing the 'world's first,' one tends to think big.

Apparently, this particular instance of being the first to the punch is most assuredly not what most would expect from Dell.

Basically, instead of unleashing some new, revolutionary device of some sort, the outfit just customized an already existing one.

Specifically, Dell took the M5030, a 15.6-inch laptop based on an Athlon central processing unit (CPU) from Advanced Micro Devices. Other features are 4GB of RAM, a 320 GB HDD.

It has been on sale for quite a while and definitely did not get any sort of major redesign or update in terms of hardware.

Instead, the changes promoted by Dell are in regards to the operating system and the functionality of the keyboard.

Simply put, the Microsoft Windows 7 is configured in Spanish, while the keyboard itself is, likewise, customized for this particular language.

This would not come as a surprise in a Latin American country or in certain regions of Europe but, oddly enough, the device is for the US market.

On the other hand, seeing as how Spanish is, practically, the second most commonly spoken language there, this might be less strange than one might suspect.

Either way, it only takes a few clicks to switch Windows over back to English, and the keyboard layout is not much different from the standard one, save for a few keys being swapped. Sales should start at $499.