Simplified task management for your Mac

May 27, 2008 20:11 GMT  ·  By

This Thinking Code-developed organizing tool is not just your average application that helps you get things done. The and task synchronization alone is worth getting your own copy for just 19 bucks, but you can always try out an app like this for free, to be sure you want to spend your money on it. Currently at version 1.1.1, the Leopard only Dejumble adds a hot-key ability, adjusted coloring and fixed bugs. Read on to learn more about Thinking Code's Dejumble.

Many of you will be tempted to say: "Great! Another organizing tool..." It's true, isn't it? With so much utility software of this kind out there, we should be offered an organizer for all the organizing apps on our Macs. But Dejumble's not like that at all. This piece of cleverly developed software manages to handle your tasks in a unique way.

Dejumble sits still in the menu bar waiting for its user to add, complete and sort tasks without having to open one more application or to close others. The simple-to-use-interface allows you to input the things you need to get done. No symbols to learn, no arrows, no nothing. You can type in tasks, set them by priority, due date, add tags and more, so you can make sure you've got every possible chance not to forget doing something, and all this without interrupting your workflow. Just click on Dejumble's icon in the menu bar, quickly type in your task and with a single click you're back to what you were doing before.

"Dejumble is ideal for people who need to get things done in a clutter free way," Thinking Code notes. If only they made one that cats and dogs could understand, apartments would be so clean...!

As I was saying, the software is currently at version 1.1.1, updated just a few days ago. New features include the hot-key ability to open and close the Dejumble window. Thinking Code has also adjusted coloring of text fields in task list to help titles stand out and fixed button related drawing problems at launch.

Dejumble calls for Mac OS X 10.5.1 (Leopard) or later.

Thinking Code claims an iPhone version (and BlackBerry) of Dejumble is on the way. The mobile app will also let users sync stuff with their Macs. Click HERE to download the 25-day free trial.

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