Lotion claims to make skin tighter and plumper in as little as one week

Jul 31, 2009 20:31 GMT  ·  By

After giving birth, young moms are literally overwhelmed with worries, having to deal with situations they have never encountered and to which they don’t know how to react. As if this wasn’t enough, they also have to deal with the changes occurring in their body, such as the saggy skin on the stomach, the extra weight and less firmness in the breasts. With them in mind, Mama Mio came out with the Boob Tube Bust & Neck Firmer, a lotion that promises amazing results in as little as one week.

Also labeled a “wonderbra in a jar,” the lotion acts on the skin that inevitably begins to sag on the chest after giving birth, but that’s not to say only mothers can use it, since it works just as well for women past a certain age, when gravity begins to take its toll. As a matter of fact, Hollywood actress Jessica Alba, who is a mother, is said to simply love the Bust & Neck Firmer, but she’s not the only one to do so: Sienna Miller and Kirsten Dunst, who do not have children, also use it regularly to prevent the damage time will wreck on their curves.

“People say the first place you can tell a woman’s age is her hands. Forget about it – it’s your décolletage. This vulnerable skin is exposed daily to sun, gravity and inspection and it needs protecting!” a message on the official webpage reads.

Used daily, the lotion “fights sag and droop by improving skin’s strength and elasticity. It gives you a more beautifully textured, well toned neck and bustline.” The Bust & Neck Firmer is actually so popular that it has recently gone international, prompting founder Sian Sutherland to say that, indeed, when something works wonders, word of it spreads very fast.

Selling for $45 a 100 ml container, the cream is said to work so efficiently, that visible results appear after just one single week, which is, frankly, quite unheard of in the cosmetics industry. The “magic” ingredients that make it all possible are Omega oils and Shea Butter, whose function is to moisturize and nourish the skin, while anti-oxidant CoQ10 encourages the process of cell-regeneration and boosts collagen, making the skin look and feel younger and firmer.

Still, women should be able to tell the difference between good marketing and the real benefits of a product, as Elsa McAlonan, beauty expert for the Daily Mail, points out. “Bust enhancement creams are not a miracle cure, but using these products faithfully every day will make the whole bust area feel softer, firmer and generally more toned. The biggest bust must-have, though, is a good-fitting bra to support delicate muscles around the breast area.” McAlonan says.