Things aren’t about to get easier for this reality TV couple

Nov 8, 2014 11:35 GMT  ·  By
Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott get into another fight on reality show over his ex-wife
   Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott get into another fight on reality show over his ex-wife

Earlier this week, Dean McDermott announced that, once season 2 of the Lifetime docuseries True Tori wrapped, he would not be appearing on it anymore because he’d had enough of sharing intimate details on camera and especially of criticism from viewers. The next episode will better explain that.

Dean and Tori are documenting their marriage on the series, as they’re still dealing with his infidelity: he was caught cheating on Tori and exposed in a tell-all interview with the mistress herself, some woman he picked up in Canada while on a working visit.

On the first season, they dealt directly with his cheating and his many addictions and depression, but on the second one, they’re still shown struggling. Tori is also trying to work out some things in her life, so she’s already met with her ex-husband to get closure. She’ll also meet with his ex-wife.

Mary Jo Eustace agrees to appear on the show, gets paid

When Tori and Dean met, they were both married to other people, Charlie and Mary Jo, respectively. They slept together on their first “date” and started a clandestine relationship while working together on a TV movie. When they did break the news to their respective partners, it wasn’t under what you might call ideal circumstances.

Tori is trying to fix all that now – and how convenient for her that she just “happens” to have a camera crew tailing her wherever she goes.

Unlike her ex Charlie, who requested not to be shown on the series, Mary Jo was ok with being filmed. Rumor has it she asked for a huge amount of money for this cameo, but that producers happily paid it because they knew it would boost ratings because of the added drama.

And there’s plenty of that to go around, by the way.

Dean McDermott has another on-camera breakdown

If you’ve watched a single episode of True Tori, you probably know that its 2 main stars spend a lot of time crying, fighting, and dissecting every word the other has uttered in the past 5 minutes. When Tori isn’t crying because she’s not understood and because she’s tormented by the thought of how “poor” they are, Dean is flying into little rages, professing each time his head is either spinning or about to explode.

This time is no different. Lifetime has released 2 new trailers for the upcoming episode, which will show Tori and Mary Jo’s meeting, and what happened back at the house when Tori got home.

You will find one of them embedded below and another over at FishWrapper, but only one is illustrative of the point above: Dean tries to convince Tori that he’s not the monster his ex-wife is trying to make him into, that she’s “crazy,” and when he fails, he has another meltdown.

He cries, he yells, he pulls at his hair and eventually proclaims that he’s had it: he’s had it with Mary Jo, he’s had it with Tori’s constant doubting him, and he’s totally had it with the haters.

Before McDermott’s announcement this week, he had flown into a Twitter rage, after he was criticized for going to an adult toys shop when his wife was in the hospital. There’s a delay between real life and the events shown on the docuseries, so it could be that the meltdown included on the next episode happened right before his Twitter rant.

Either way, things are about to get even more dramatic on True Tori. That is, if you believe any of it.