Sad, sad day

Jan 13, 2007 14:46 GMT  ·  By

Looks like Europeans can consider themselves lucky this time, Dead or Alive-wise. You know Corey Yuen's film adaptation of the Dead or Alive series of video games, DOA: Dead of Alive, and if you live in Europe you've got a chance to see this flick, because it ran in several European countries as of September 2006.

Many criticized this movie, to such an extent that the producing company has decided not to bring it to American theaters. Kotaku has the word, and they claim that DOA: Dead or Alive will premiere straight on DVD, this April. Good news or bad news, it's going to happen.

The latest game of the series is Dead of Alive 4, released on Xbox 360. It was released back in late 2005 and features 22 playable characters, not all women. The storyline of the game focuses on Helena, the young woman taking over the mantle of DOATEC, as it second leader.

In addition, some side games to the DOA franchise have been released, one of them being Dead or Alive: Extreme 2, a "sports" game featuring hot girls in very skimpy bikinis. It is also available on Xbox 360, but I haven't heard much about it since its late 2006 release.