The game needs to generate more sales to sustain the franchise

Jun 18, 2012 09:52 GMT  ·  By

Dead Space 3 has proven divisive for the fan base of the series, but one of the men involved with the game at publisher Electronic Arts says that developers Visceral Games need to keep them interested while also attracting a wider player base.

Frank Gibeau, the man who leads the EA Games publishing label, told CVG that, “What we’ve tried to do with each instalment is tell a different story about Isaac but at the same time bring in new features and ways to turn the game into a more connected experience so we embraced idea and we tried to open up the accessibility of the IP a little bit by adding a little bit more action, but not undermining the horror.”

The Dead Space series started life as a horror shooter and many gamers appreciated that it managed to deliver scares while also making the player feel threatened and vulnerable.

The second game in the series moved closer to the third-person action genre and the third installment appears to be focused on cooperative gameplay.

Gibeau added, “We listen to the fans and we hear them. We’re going to be releasing more assets over the coming months that show you how deep the horror is. It’s definitely not getting away from gore or horror, but at the same time it’s opening up to a larger audience by adding some elements.”

The executive then stated that a big franchise like Dead Space needs to get around five million paying customers for each release in order to cover development costs and deliver a profit.

Tau Volantis is the planet that Isaac Clarke will now explore and the plot will be based around finding the cause of the Necromorph outbreaks.

Dead Space 3 is currently slated for a February 2013 launch on the PC, the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3.