Until July 29, each Tuesday will be “Twin Peaks Tuesday”

Jun 12, 2014 15:51 GMT  ·  By
David Lynch has major surprise for “Twin Peaks” fans with new Blu-ray release of the complete series
   David Lynch has major surprise for “Twin Peaks” fans with new Blu-ray release of the complete series

On July 29, fans of the cult series “Twin Peaks” will get the most amazing treat ever, with the release of the Blu-ray “Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery,” which will include, among the usual stuff (commentary, behind the scenes footage), a bonus interview with some of the characters 25 years after the tragedy.

The interview is conducted by director / writer David Lynch himself and fans get a first taste of it with a new video released yesterday, in which Lynch sits down for a chat with Laura Palmer’s father, Leland Palmer (played by actor Ray Wise).

“Leland, you’ve been dead for around 25 years now.” If that’s not a great conversation starter, I don’t know what is.

The idea is that, until July 29, each Tuesday will be “Twin Peaks Tuesday,” bringing new snippets from these interviews. The one with Leland, who, as fans know, is actually the one who killed Laura while he was being possessed by Bob, is embedded below.

My favorite part is when Leland talks about his wife Sarah’s laugh. After Laura’s death, Sarah’s laugh wasn’t exactly something you would want to recall, because it was the stuff terrible nightmares were made of.

The action of the series was set in 1989, even though it aired in ’90-’91. In one particular episode, Laura tells Agent Dale Cooper that she will be seeing him again in 25 years. Fans are hoping that Lynch hasn’t forgotten this promise.