Sep 23, 2010 14:04 GMT  ·  By
Cover of the latest issue of InTouch magazine, claiming David Beckham cheated on Victoria
   Cover of the latest issue of InTouch magazine, claiming David Beckham cheated on Victoria

InTouch got a woman working as a £10,000-a-night escort to tell her story of how David Beckham cheated on Victoria in 2007 – and just landed in hot waters with camp Beckham, with a lawsuit.

The woman goes on the record to say that she and Becks spent one night together almost three years ago and even offers details of the rendezvous – yet she doesn’t say why it took her 3 years to come out with the truth.

Aside from revealing juicy bits about Becks’ lovemaking, she also says that he confided in her that he wasn’t happy with what Victoria was doing to her body, which prompted her to say, “I could see why he’d be unhappy.”

“It was a high. All of these women dream of being with him, and I got to hook up with him. It was very exciting. He was very gentle and kind. He knew what he was doing,” the woman says.

At some point, David confided in the woman that he preferred the way Victoria looked before she went under the knife for a breast augmentation.

“He was saying that he liked her body more before. He is more of a [backside] man than a breast man,” the woman says.

Contacted for comment, an attorney for David and Victoria Beckham has rubbished all the allegations made by the tabloid, saying they were thinking of pursuing legal action against it, E! Online reports.

“The allegations that have been made are completely untrue and totally ridiculous as the magazine was clearly told before publication,” the lawyer says in the statement.

“Sadly, we live in a world where a magazine can print lies and believe they can get away with it. We are taking legal action against the magazine,” the statement further reads.

Friends of the couple assure E! the attorney is not just talking big – he’s also determined to act the same, by taking InTouch to court.

The weekly, on its part, stands by its story and will not print a retraction because the woman cited is not the only one who can corroborate that David cheated on Victoria in 2007.

“InTouch would like to reaffirm that we stand by our reporting and have confidence in the credibility of the multiple sources we quote in the story,” the magazine says in statement to the aforementioned media outlet.