The new Star Wars mimobots from mimoco

Oct 15, 2006 05:41 GMT  ·  By

It's quite a well known fact that the only things that can make a product stand out in a crowd of devices with similar functions are the extra-features and design. And when we're speaking about USB Flash Drives, the problem is even more serious, considering the fact that the number of manufacturers on the market is huge, even greater that in the case of the MP3 Players market. However, every now and then, someone comes up with a very original design idea for these otherwise unattractive products, and that's exactly the case with the mimoco company, who has created the famous mimobots.

But what are these "mimobots" ? Well, they're USB Flash Drives which have been specially decorated by artists in order to represent various fictional characters. And the latest series created by the company is inspired by one of the greatest cinematographic stories even created, namely the "Star Wars" series, the first product available featuring one of the iconic figures in the aforementioned movie, the infamous Darth Vader (although I don't remember the Sith Lord having Ewok-like ears and a huge, egg-like helmet).

The Star Wars mimobots will be available in 1, 2, & 4 GB capacities, have a height of 6.03 cm and, due to the exclusive deal between mimoco and Lucasfilm, they will come preloaded with bonus removable Star Wars mimobot content like trailers, soundbites, avatars, and wallpapers. The series will be launched in January 2007, and will be available for prices ranging from 80 dollars (the 1 GB model) to 170 dollars (the 4 GB model). So, for the people who are already pre-ordering these things....may the force be with your data!

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