The upcoming RPG is set in the complex classic pen & paper world The Dark Eye

Jan 17, 2014 14:24 GMT  ·  By

Daedalic Entertainment announced the release of a series of video game guides detailing the rules of The Dark Eye, the universe of their upcoming role-playing game Blackguards.

Blackguards offers an alternative to the usual knight in shining armor story of emerging heroes, placing all hope in the hands of a band of misfits and ruffians.

The upcoming turn-based role-playing game from Daedalic Entertainment will place players in the shoes of a convicted murderer who has to save the world from an insidious threat, with the help of other shady characters.

A tale of intrigue and convoluted plots will unfold during the exploration of Aventuria, the world of The Dark Eye, with suspenseful storytelling and thrilling battles taking place in elaborately crafted 3D environments.

Gamers will be able to choose to delve into the action as strong warriors, resourceful wizards or cunning hunters, and adventure over 180 individually crafted battle maps, with interactive objects and deep strategic situations awaiting.

The Hamburg-based team will start releasing the video guides via the Daedalic Facebook page. The first video in the series is already available, and it details the character class selection process.

The Dark Eye has become one of the most popular and complex pen-and-paper role-playing game systems in Europe, over its thirty years of existence. Daedalic have implemented the system in all of its unique and sophisticated criteria, while still presenting an experience that newer players will find easy to pick up.

The rules will be the most visible in the area of character development and the level-up system. Players will receive “adventure points” after each encounter, and they will be used to increase skills, attributes and spells, offering a dynamic class system.

Developer Daedalic also intends to add free character customization right from the start, through a patch, following community feedback from its Early Access beta test.

The official release of Blackguards will take place on January 24, for PC.