Jun 1, 2011 14:08 GMT  ·  By

Video game hardware manufacturer and games publisher Nintendo has announced that in the United States the price of the DS Lite handheld line will come down 99.99 dollars starting with Sunday, June 5, and that all the games that have sold more than 1 million units will now have all-new red packages.

The first Nintendo DS model has been launched in 2004 for the price of 149.99 dollars and since 2006 the Lite version has sold for 129.99 dollars.

The June 5 price cut does not affect the DSi version of the Nintendo handheld, the one that has between content download capabilities, and the XL model, which has a bigger screen.

Nintendo seems to be interested in phasing out the old DS Lite models, which might mean that it will also announce that it is no longer manufacturing the version after a few months on sale using the new reduced price.

The DS Lite has managed to sell close to 49 million units in the United States since it was introduced.

The next Nintendo video games will also be getting red packaging starting with Sunday, to signal their more than 1 million sales: New Super Mario Bros. - 9.25 million; Mario Kart DS - 7.4 million; Super Mario 64 DS - 4.34 million; Mario Party DS - 3.27 million units; Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story - 1.98 million and Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem! - 1.01 million.

Nintendo probably hopes that those who were interested in picking up a Nintendo handheld will now turn to the 3DS platform, which was launched in late March and allows the player to experience full three-dimensional games and content without using any unwieldy glasses.

The device has sold very well soon after the official launch but has since seen a slowdown, with Nintendo expected to show off new titles at E3 and increase the interest among gamers.