The students will even learn how to psychologically prepare for war

Oct 14, 2011 06:28 GMT  ·  By

Pakistan is preparing a military school that will focus on teaching students how to protect the country against cyberattacks coming from India and Israel.

According to Cyberwarzone, the school will be opened in 2012 and it will admit 30 scholars which will learn everything there is to know about cyber warfare in the course of four years.

By collaborating with NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, they will be taught how to break malicious codes and even how to mentally prepare for a potential virtual battle.

“We... seek to nurture warriors to fight in cyber warfare amid growing cyber-terror threats from India, Israel and to secure a stable supply of specialists,' the army said in a statement. The military will pay tuition for the students who upon graduation will become army officers required to work in online warfare-related units for the following seven years,” revealed a NUST spokesman.