GamerXtrene and Gamer ultra Series promote 3D Vision craze

Jun 4, 2010 10:24 GMT  ·  By

Though DirectX 11 is the main technology on the minds of gaming enthusiasts right now, the fact remains that 3D is growing quite steadily. NVIDIA missed out on quite a few months of DirectX 11 sales when it was forced to delay the Fermi architecture. Whether because of this or another reason, or both, the Santa Clara, California-based GPU maker seems to be looking farther ahead when it comes to 3D. It actually announced a program meant to provide end-users with an out of the box 3D experience.

Basically, NVIDIA will work with PC maker and monitor suppliers to set up a variety of gaming system, complete with 120Hz displays and 3D glasses. This should let anyone with a large enough budget, even those not especially versed in hardware, easily set up a working 3D PC. In fact, such efforts are already underway, as is obvious from the way CyberPower has already unveiled a number of 3D Vision-ready Gamer Xtreme and Gamer Ultra Series systems.

The new computers are, as one would expect, truly high-end offerings. In addition to the obligatory multi-core CPUs, the machines boast a variety of options when it comes to storage and, of course, memory. Even when choosing the graphics board, consumers can either go all the way up to the recent GTX 400 adapters, or settle for a DirectX 10-compatible card. Each configuration chosen is accompanied by the Samsung 2233RZ 22-inch 3D LCD monitor. The PCs can be customized and ordered here, with prices starting at $1,289.

"We are excited about incorporating the new 3D PC category into our mix of gaming desktops," said Eric Cheung, CEO of CyberPower. "As 3D gaming technology continues to evolve, integrating 3D PCs into our product lineup is essential to provide consumers the perfect solution for 3D gaming and entertainment."