The rover is making good progress towards its main destination, Mount Sharp

Aug 5, 2013 14:14 GMT  ·  By

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is celebrating its first year on our neighboring planet. The rover landed on Mars on August 5, 2012 (or August 6, depending on the time zone).

It quickly went to work scouring its surroundings, taking great photos, and making important scientific discoveries, like definite proof of clean water, suitable for life, in the planet's past.

"Successes of our Curiosity – that dramatic touchdown a year ago and the science findings since then – advance us toward further exploration, including sending humans to an asteroid and Mars," NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said. "Wheel tracks now, will lead to boot prints later."

The rover is currently heading towards its main destination, Mount Sharp. It's got many months – possibly over a year – to go before reaching it, depending on what interesting sites Curiosity finds along the way.

Still, it's been making good progress having traveled 699 meters (764 yards) in the four weeks since it started this latest journey. But it's got eight kilometers (five miles) in total to cover.