CryEngine 3 to blame

Jun 18, 2009 06:34 GMT  ·  By

Sony has repeatedly said that it has a 10-year plan for the PlayStation 3. Shane Kim has stated that there would be no new Xbox console from Microsoft for quite some time. Crytek, through Cevat Yerli, the president of the company, has stated that the outfit only started thinking about making videogames on consoles once it was sure it could squeeze every ounce of computing power from the technology packed into them.

Their first console project is Crysis 2, a game that will be launched for the PS3, the Xbox 360, and the PC. The only problem is that, with its first console project, Crytek is pushing consoles to their limits.

Cevat Yerli clearly stated that “The interesting thing is we did run a performance analysis on the PS3 devkit, and you know the funny thing is the occupation on all the CPUs, the Cell and the GPUs, is pretty much – the needle is at the limit. There’s not much more you can do. And frankly the breakthrough was very recent, and otherwise we would’ve had a compromised strategy on the consoles, which we don’t have now.”

He admits that increases in performance might appear in the coming years, but he estimates that they will be rather small. Given that Crysis 2 will probably be arriving sometime in 2010, it would be interesting to see what Crytek intends to do on gaming consoles for the years until the release of the next generation of hardware.

Crysis 2 is set to be the second game in the saga of the alien invasion centered on ice and overwhelming firepower. Crytek has not said whether the game would see Nomad and Psycho join forces to battle the enemy hordes or whether the two characters would again fight separately, with each of them getting a separate release.