Tens of millions will be so happy about it!

Dec 21, 2007 08:12 GMT  ·  By

All right, old chaps! Time to gather round ye old Internet and jot down the scores ye find there, be it that you will not miss one single run. Or, however they might have said it back in the days, I wasn't there to listen to it, so I'm just guessing.

This is a 20 percent project, meaning that it has been worked upon in the one day a week that the Google engineers are allowed to spend working on projects that are not necessarily part of their current job responsibilities. "If you know what a silly mid-on is and what LBW stands for, chances are you're one of the tens of millions of cricket fans that just can't get enough of the latest scores. Well, we have good news: you can now get the latest cricket scores when you visit Google News India", the two software engineers that worked on the project, Sadeesh Duraisamy and Prasanna Meda, said in the official Google Blog.

If there's a cricket match going on anywhere, you'll be sure to have the latest information available through the Google News India homepage, so if that's your soft spot, you'd better start personalizing it and create your custom section from that edition to yours, in order to be kept up to date.

For the rest of you who couldn't care less about cricket, here's a bit of history (perhaps that'll get you started or at the very least interested): cricket has been an established team sport for hundreds of years and is one of the most popular sports in the world. It originated in its modern form in England and is most popular among the present and the former members of the Commonwealth, as Wikipedia tells us. Ok, not really history, regarding who came up with the idea, but it is still one of the most popular sports? you have got to give it a try.