Mar 17, 2011 17:41 GMT  ·  By

Cash Map LLC Founder and Inventor Dennis Williams believes that with the iPad 2 being the hottest thing to hit the market in years, consumers are rushing to grab the goods while, at the same time, new iPad apps are debuting “to give consumers who want to make the most of their iPad investment and their money even more to cheer about.”

Williams launched Cash Map LLC in 2008 with the purpose of creating tools, training, and systems to help people find and make the most of their money.

[admark=1]In that respect, Williams today released his personal budgeting application called CashMap.

The finance app has been available for iPad owners since February, according to the App Store listings, but Williams is only formally introducing it (or the free version) today.

According to its coders, Accelerated Payment Solutions LLC, iPad owners can download the app free of charge “to learn how it works.”

To use it at its full extent, a $20 fee will be charged. According to Williams, “comparable software programs retail from $800, so CashMap offers quite a value,” the official report reads.

So, what does CashMap do for 20 bucks?

Well, the Cash Map LLC founder designed it so that it shows consumers how managing their average daily balance enables them to pay off debt, lower their borrowing costs and visualize their financial picture over the years to come.

CashMap App also enables users to make better use of their positive cash flow, accelerate a loan payoff, refinance their mortgage, or maximize their savings.

"This application is a game changer for consumers who are serious about regaining control over their financial destinies in the best and most challenging of times," Williams said.

"By creating your own scenarios, you can see where you'll be financially in 15 years. Instead of viewing budgeting as a boring, tedious task that rains on your parade, you'll discover a new motivation, hope and discipline to say 'no' today in favor of a better tomorrow that is now in clear view."

Download CashMap for iPad (Free)