If you own a 3D printer, this app is sure to come in handy

May 25, 2015 13:43 GMT  ·  By

The printer perfectly goes hand in hand with a computer. Recently, its younger relative is trying and succeeding to take printing to a whole new level, or dimension for that matter, through devices that create 3D objects.

It’s a trend that quickly got embraced by the vast public. Nowadays anyone can buy a 3D printer, and some are even building their own devices. But before objects are created, you need to design them using some specialized applications.

For instance, with the one described below, you literally have the freedom (because it’s free) to create printable 3D objects even from photos of ordinary objects.

Creating a 3D Softpedia Logo

Step 1: Download, install, and run eXtrudity.

Step 2: Choose to Create The Front Side, and press the Right Arrow button at the bottom. Click on Design The Shape and press the arrow button again.

Note: Each step lets you know whether or not it’s complete by the check or exclamation mark symbols. Most of the times it’s enough to press the arrow button, because it gradually takes you through all necessary options.

Step 3: Choose either to Load Image, Insert Object, or Insert Text. Make any necessary cropping and press Next.

Step 4: Adjust the size and rotation of the object and press Next.

Step 5: Move threshold and emphasis sliders to make the object smoother or eliminate any imperfections from pictures.

Step 6: Draw or erase parts to define the final shape.

Step 7: Design The Surface Profile to specify what your object is going to look like. You can easily choose from several presets for quick configuration.

Step 8 (optional): Choosing to Add Decoration Elements takes you through a similar process. This way, you can add pictures of small details to be carved in your object.

Step 9: Click on Compose Surface and Decorations to finish blending all front face layers together.

Step 10: Choose to Go Back in order to configure the other side of the object.

Step 11: Click on Create or Edit if you want the back side to be completely different. Otherwise, choose to Copy Front To Back.

Step 12: Go Back one more time to Generate The Composite 3D Object.

Step 13: Select the quality, method, and press the Check button to continue.

Step 14: Analyze your object through Navigation sliders, and press Next when you’re done.

Step 15: Click on Show Scale to help you define your object’s size.

Step 16: Press the Save button to generate an OBJ file you can directly print with your 3D printer.

Sure enough, it's not the best logo we managed to create, but it's enough to exemplify how easy it is to create small printable objects from scratch.

Easily creating a 3D Softpedia logo (5 Images)

Softpedia 3D object logo
Creating the front sideChoosing the surface