Controversial Mayor is stripped of his powers, loses his temper when confronted

Nov 19, 2013 11:36 GMT  ·  By

Rob Ford, the Mayor of Toronto, Canada, is now a genuine rock star and, apparently, he’s also acting like one. After a series of scandals that ended with him being stripped of Mayoral powers at council chambers yesterday, he is now letting his flammable temper take over.

Ford, for those of you for whom the name doesn’t ring a bell, is a foul-mouthed politician who has been getting plenty of media attention in recent months for getting drunk, doing drugs and getting busted on camera while doing both. Hence the nickname “Crack Mayor.”

Many voters consider him a disgrace, but he doesn’t lack supporters either, people who have spoken up in his defense, saying that, like every other man out there, Ford is not perfect but at least he owns up to his mistakes.

Hours ago, during a council meeting, Ford again landed himself in trouble, when he made his way to some members of the audience yelling “Shame!” back at him and, in the process, knocked over a female councilor.

Video of the incident is below. You can tell he wasn’t gunning to take down the councilor but he did it either way because she happened to be in his path. Ford was trying to come to the assistance of his brother, Councilor Doug Ford, who had engaged in a war of words with several members of the audience.

Prior to this extremely embarrassing moment, Rob Ford had been walking around in the room, with his driver, who was either taking photos or filming the members of the audience. He was the one that started the melee, a video on The Star confirms.

As for the councilor who was knocked over, she’s been identified as Councilor Pam McConnell. She told the media that she didn’t even see the whole thing coming.

“This is a seat of democracy, not a football field. I wasn't ready for it,” she explained. Luckily, she wasn’t hurt, except for, we assume, her ego.