The crustacean amazes both those who caught it and the general public

Jul 21, 2012 10:29 GMT  ·  By

This might not be your typical green-oriented blog, but we find this particular piece of information interesting to say the least, and therefore consider that no harm can come out of sharing it with you.

It seems that, just recently, the Canfields – who otherwise are your average Washington family – went fishing for crabs during the weekend, to relax and enjoy some family time together.

However, they were rather taken aback when one of the crustaceans they caught seemed to display the image of Jesus Christ on its belly.

Unfortunately, they only came to realize this when they watched the video of their catch, and the crab had already been released back into the waters.

Some people might call this a miracle, but scientists claim that this “revelation” is merely a result of the human mind being used to look for familiar patterns in everything around it.

You can see an image of this miraculous crab here, but fair warning: some argue that the crustacean is much more similar to Osama bin Laden.