Viperante announced production of their new game and the launch of its website

Nov 29, 2007 07:46 GMT  ·  By

Horror-themed games, or at least scary ones, are what developers think everybody wants. Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting, the horror adventure game recently announced by Viperante, is within these limits: dark, shocking and fear-charged. They've been working on it for six months already, estimating a release date sometime during August 2008.

The storyline is one of the most important things adventure games should offer to the player, and Viperante's developers seem to know this. You will be the Sheriff of a small and quiet town (did you notice that everything seems to happen in small, quiet towns?) and, of course, you will be extremely bored. And boredom gives birth to demons... we'll see.

So, the player, aka Alex Truman in this game, attempts to break the monotony of his life trying to solve a strange and disturbing car crash accident. A guy that suddenly appears in front of Truman's car will eventually turn the peaceful village into a great mystery. One of the reasons is the incapability of the injured man to talk. But that is going to change the day he starts repeating: "Cold Winter Farm, Cold Winter Farm, Cold Winter Farm" over and over again.

Truman has no idea what it means, but he does know that Cold Winter Farm is on the edge of the town, and that's enough. The mystery is back, and Alex wants to get to the bottom of it right away. Problem is, the biggest storm in fifty years is heading towards town - he'll never make it to the farm and back before the storm hits. But Alex doesn't care - something deep inside is driving him - he has to know who the road guy is. Abandoning all rational thought and ignoring the warnings of his deputy, he grabs the keys to the 4x4 and heads out.

The classic start of a classic adventure game, as you can see. Probably, more information will be given closer to the release date, and we just have to hope that this adventure will be a great one, able to make us remember the outstanding ones, like Syberia, The Longest Journey or Myst (to name the most recent ones). Come August 2008 and we'll see if Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting is worthy of this... cold winter waiting.