The 24-year-old twitted about her crazy schedule just before she died

Dec 18, 2013 08:23 GMT  ·  By

Mita Duran is a 24-year-old young woman who actually worked her way into a coma and then died, posting about her crazy schedule on Twitter, just hours before the unfortunate event. The copywriter from Jakarta, Indonesia was a hard-working individual who put her carrier above her health.

After just tweeting “30 hours of work and still going strooong” and being proud about breaking another crazy workload record, the girl's body couldn't take it anymore and collapsed into a coma. To face her insane schedule, Mita was consuming a lot of energy drinks that may have been the main cause of her passing.

A lot of her online posts were related to her work, and the fact that she was pushing herself really hard to accomplish her goals. “Tonight I carry the keys to the office for the eighth day running,” she said in one of her posts, before adding “I'm still here. I have no life. Someone please take me out for drinks, kicks and giggles.”

Determined to give the best out of her, for her passion, the young employee added crazy extra hours to meet her bosses' demands. Besides the fact that she had days when she would sleep in the office or not sleep at all, she would consume huge quantities of energy drinks that finally got to her heart.

Her heart-broken mother posted an update about her daughter's condition just before her passing, “Hi everyone, since last night and until now my daughter who is a copywriter at Y&R lay in a coma in RSPP. Chances not very good. She collapsed after continuous working overtime for 3 days last night,” notes BuzzFeed. Just one hour later the girl passed away.

The Y&R company also posted a message expressing their sincere condolences for their colleague's passing and announced they would be closing the office for a few days so that they could grieve their coworker.

It wouldn't be the first time workaholics actually work themselves to death, and if Mita's case may serve as a lesson, her mother had just one important piece of advice for anyone interested in the heart-breaking incident, “please people. Know your own body limitation, don't push yourself too hard.”