The man accessed the National Crime Information Center database without authorization

Oct 26, 2012 11:48 GMT  ·  By

A police officer from New York City, accused of taking part in a criminal scheme that involved the kidnapping of several women, is also accused of hacking into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database to obtain information on one of the victims.

According to Wired, Gilberto Valle aspired to become a “professional kidnapper.” He allegedly offered his services to a number of individuals, one of whom was planning to abuse a woman, cook her alive in a cage, and then eat her.

Investigators found the files of 100 potential victims on Valle’s computer, 10 of whom admitted knowing him.

The suspect apparently refused to take part in the cooking and eating part of the plot, but he admitted to “getting off” on knocking out and tying the victim.

Court documents reveal that in May 2012, the man accessed the federal National Crime Information Center database to find information on one of his victims, without authorization.

So now, besides being charged with conspiracy to kidnap, he is also charged with violating computer crime laws.