Microsoft just couldn't resist...

Nov 30, 2006 08:33 GMT  ·  By

Pretty and pink Zune. And you thought Microsoft's design with its portable media player was limited to white, black and brown. Think again! The Redmond Company has gone all out, has shaded tradition, and has introduced pink Zune devices.

Well, I might have exaggerated when I said all that. How about all out with strict limitations. That's better. Limited because Microsoft only introduced a total of 100 pink Zune. This in yet another marketing stunt from the Redmond Company. The pink colored devices are delivered in normal package. In fact, there is no way of distinguishing what the contents may bring. You just open up the box and... surprise!

"Congratulations," reads a card inside the box. "We couldn't resist slipping you 1 of 100 extremely limited edition Zune devices."

But Microsoft has prepared for the worse. The box also contains a certificate of authenticity to certify that the pink device in your hands is indeed a Zune digital media player. Moreover, the proud owner of a brand new and pink Zune is instructed as to how he can return the device for another one of a standard color.

Meanwhile, the pink Zune players are being auctioned on eBay. And although the standard retail price is $249.99 the bidding went as high as $761.

On the U.S. Portable media player market, Zune proved a real success, grabbing a total share of 9% and the number two position.