The stunt set up by The Chamber Boys has become viral

Sep 9, 2013 11:41 GMT  ·  By

A man pretending to be a college professor has offered freshmen at the University of Rochester a chemistry lesson they will never forget.

According to Business Insider, the man pretending to teach the Chemistry 131 class is part of a prank group, The Chamber Boys. They are the university's best-known comedic group.

"This class is extremely hard. Last year, 55% of this class failed," comedian Boy Patrick tells students.

Since they are freshmen, they look terrified as the man tells them that only a third of the class' applicants will get into med school.

He also tells them to put their phones and laptops away, right before the arrival of Professor Ben Hafensteiner, who doesn't seem to be in on the joke. Hafensteiner has received an award for Professor of the Year in the Natural Sciences.