People who regularly drink coffee are less prone to cancer recurrence, study finds

Apr 25, 2013 20:11 GMT  ·  By

Following their monitoring a total of 600 breast cancer patients, a team of researchers working with the Lund University in Sweden have reached a fairly interesting conclusion.

Thus, they discovered that those who were in the habit of drinking at least two cups of coffee on a daily basis were less likely to experience a recurrence of their cancer.

In fact, coffee drinkers were found to have half the rate of cancer recurrence of those who never drank coffee.

As EurekAlert says, there is one catch: coffee appears to only yield these health benefits when combined with a widely used drug known as Tamoxifen.

“One theory we are working with is that coffee 'activates' Tamoxifen and makes it more efficient,” explains Maria Simonsson, doctoral student in Oncology at Lund University.

The researchers are presently trying to figure out how it is exactly that the coffee interacts with the Tamoxifen.