The process of burning coal is described by a curve similar to the temperature growth.

Oct 31, 2011 10:29 GMT  ·  By
The process of  burning of fossil fuels is described by a curve that is similar to the global temperature growth.
   The process of burning of fossil fuels is described by a curve that is similar to the global temperature growth.

Recent data provided by independent studies showed that it is a fact that Earth is getting warmer. Officials behind the Berkeley Earth Project reached to conclusions very similar to those drawn by highly respected institutions such as NASA, NOAA, and the UK’s Met Office.

The main theory reflected by all scientists who have been working on this project is that humankind's actions have a significant impact upon the environment, visible throughout climate change.

The process of industrialization has been correlated with the increased temperatures which keep growing every year.

In order to convince even the skeptics that human beings are responsible for this phenomenon, which can't be considered just a regular part of the cycle, researchers are highlighting the fact that the process of burning of fossil fuels is described by a curve that is remarkably similar to the global temperature growth.

Scientists can't affirm that without humans, the planet would now benefit from pristine air and a 100% clean atmosphere.

Nobody can't disagree with the fact that there are natural calamities which have a devastating impact upon the air quality.

Such an event, that might take the form of a volcanic eruption, is able to take credit for enough polluters ending up into the stratosphere that made global temperatures decrease by almost a degree F.

Fires often occur without human intervention, emitting considerable amounts of CO2, ash and soot. Air pollution from a fire which spreads on thousands of km and lasts for weeks and months can also produce noticeable damages to the atmosphere.

Also, animals produce a significant amount of CO2 and methane. So, even though man would disappear out of the face of the earth, there would still be quite a few sources of pollution.

But the study shows that, after men have discovered the power generated while burning coal and oil, things went on a completely different path. They started setting forests and crops on fire on purpose and exploiting the benefits of the black gold found buried underground.

Experts think that such practices had as a result the release of emissions into the atmosphere on a scale that the Earth couldn't experience without the help of its inhabitants.

The entire fuel coal-burning industry and the people behind it can be spotted as the main factors in the climate change phenomenon.