A lot of new content will be added

Apr 29, 2009 15:01 GMT  ·  By

Comic books, or graphic novels as a lot of fans call them, have shaped a lot of our daily lives and dictate quite a few ways in which we spend our free time. Being the basis for TV shows and movies among other things, comic books are present in our lives everyday.

Video games haven't escaped the influence of these graphic novels, which have laid the ground work for a lot of titles based on different comic book IPs. NCsoft, the creator of a lot of popular MMORPGs, saw the importance of these things and based a single game around them, in the form of City of Heroes.

We've already talked about the fact that the amount of content made for this game has doubled since the release of Issue 14, which brought the highly anticipated Mission Architect mode, and now, as the game will celebrate its fifth anniversary, a new issue will be released. The Issue 15: Anniversary will bring a variety of fixes and changes to problems that have occurred in the game since the last one.

Besides the new options for the clothing and appearance of the characters created by the players, users will also have the option of inserting one of their old enemies into a new story arc with their appearance changed in order to escalate the conflict. Besides these things, new options will also be implemented in the Mission Architect feature. Here they are, as posted on the City of Heroes website:

-Architect toolbox allows players to better and more easily polish their content before sharing it with the public. -Missions can now be selected for both "Hall of Fame" and "Dev Choice," allowing players to attain both badges. "Dev Choice" missions also have selectable reward types. -Enhanced searching and navigation options like key phrase tagging and arc difficulty display help players find the content they're looking for even faster -New Server-wide Architect Chat channel -Plus several other features and improvements to Mission Architect

In conclusion, a pretty hefty update, which will certainly make a lot of players who haven't gotten into City of Heroes very interested. Look forward to the release of this new issue in the following weeks.