Major city websites around the US are falling one at a time

Dec 9, 2011 16:35 GMT  ·  By

Hacktivist that support the Occupy Boston movement managed to breach the security systems set in place by the City of Boston official website (, accessing their database and obtaining large numbers of log-in credentials.

More than 100 administrator usernames and passwords were published in a Pastebin document just to show that another government website is weak.

Since the passwords leaked by the hackers are in clear text, I’m not going to post a link to the file, but the ones behind the operation claim that they could have easily defaced the entire site. The breach was possible, like in many of these situations, due to a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability present on the site.

“We hacked it because Boston PD sucks and we hate it, and also to show that hackers are supporting protesters,” said the black hats.