Give them even more power; now that's a smart thing to do

Apr 2, 2007 14:28 GMT  ·  By

If there is a movie that people should learn from, that's "The Terminator". Remember good-old governor of California when he was young and had red eyes, but not from sleep deprivation, that's just the one thing to remember when at one point the technology gets too much for us to handle. I've said it and I'll say it again, it's a good thing that we advance technologically, but at one point, it might prove a little overwhelming to have all of this technology and have no use for it.

For instance, we rely on technology in many occasions and it has started to take away from our freedom, from our right to express ourselves. First of all, we have the privilege of an automobile, and we use it constantly, to and from work, and in the weekends, and while going shopping. This has become addictive, and walking to the store is not an option anymore, even though we're just going for a bottle of juice and some bananas, we use the car. And this is only one example, taking the easy become-a-vegetable way hasn't proven to be healthy over a long period of time.

This is also the case of a new network bots Cisco is planning on designing for the Military Technology Conference, held in Boston this week. Its capabilities include following the user anywhere he or she moves, and providing uninterrupted network access through wireless connectivity. Add an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to this equation and you get a mobile platform able to survey a designated area and provide networking capabilities to the, thinking a little bit of the practical applications for it, soldiers and military personnel below. This would give a technological advantage in the battle field by supplying the networking coverage over a certain area as well as eliminating the need of having supplementary equipment carried around by the ground troupes.