Nothing is ever enough, is it? Next thing you know, there will be rat-leather Wii cases

Mar 20, 2007 08:22 GMT  ·  By

They had to make a chrome case for the Wii. I can go with a transparent case, I don't mind. Everyone loves the Wii Zelda case, that Ramon J. Stokes is a genius and even those colorful shiny ones that look like they're made for little girls, they're quite nifty as well. But what's up with the chrome case? What, did Nintendo-rappers scream: we want our chromed Wiis today!? And put some hydraulic suspensions under it while you're at it."

The thing is, some can't rest until their ideas take form. You can't blame someone for thinking bling bling style, but it doesn't go that well with the Wii, if I may say. But what is the purpose of having a chromed Wii? XCMLive says: "Now the Wii can look fun as well as play fun!" OK, how does the chrome help in any way to play fun? Is anyone going to perform better swings with the Wiimote if they see their reflection in the machine's case?

However, they do say something which is quite true: "It's perfect for those gamers who want to inject their Wii with further healthy does of fun and make their console stand out from the rest." Well, one thing is clear: your friends will surely notice the difference and the I-case (as they call it) will indeed stand out. But don't let any rappers see it. I can see 50 right now, in his next clip: honeys all around the swimming pool, 50 doing his rapper thing but also keeping the Wii frem getting wet. Next day, all kids in schools will have chromed Wiis hanging on their necks, you can imagine.