Forget about planning and make this Christmas about celebrating

Dec 2, 2008 09:45 GMT  ·  By

It's somehow disheartening to notice that winter holidays have turned, over the years, into a big shopping spree against the clock, thus into the cause for a huge amount of stress. There's no need to put aside the joy of such a celebration by having to worry about presents, family lists, acquaintances lists, work lists, food lists, best prices lists and who knows what other lists we might think of.


As it happens, Christmas means quality time spent with the family, but also large expenses of time, energy and money to make everyone around us happy. One shouldn't forget that Santa makes no exceptions – all children will receive their presents, either small or grown-up. Be a good child then, and take a deep breath before starting to do your Christmas thing. You might really enjoy it this year.


First of all, you don't need to do everything alone or at once. Even Santa receives a helping hand. Do the same and name one (or more) of your family members for this highly esteemed position: when out shopping, you might find that quite useful, as you won't rush into spending without giving it a second thought, and you'll have the comfort of being sure that nothing – and no one – is forgotten. It will also be lots of fun, no doubt about it.


It's even better if you start buying stuff for the next year as soon as the season ends. Although presents bought a year ahead of their “due time” might seem a bit too much, just think of the time and money you’ll save next Christmas, not to mention that you'll actually be able to buy exactly what the loved ones desire or/and need. In the weeks preceding Christmas, it's extremely hard to do some quality shopping, as all stores are crowded and supplies disappear even before they get to touch the shelves. However, if you must go shopping at all costs, choose the morning hours because they usually imply less people and more chances for you to easily find what you're looking for. You'll return home earlier, which means you’ll have plenty of time left to sing carols or do other chores around the house.


Every woman out there must know that Martha Stewart is one of a kind – don't even think of competing with that, it's an almost impossible feat. However, what you can do is to create your own family tradition, where everyone's involved, with divided chores, and where there are no wonder women toiling away by themselves, thus no headaches.


Some even say that Christmas stress is increased in a well-wishing woman, who tries to do everything perfectly, and who often forgets that magazine pictures are quite difficult to apply in real life. So, avoid becoming one.