Dec 28, 2010 15:43 GMT  ·  By
Christina Hendricks says she’d love to have the chance to play Wonder Woman on the big screen
   Christina Hendricks says she’d love to have the chance to play Wonder Woman on the big screen

For some reason or another, talk of a silver screen version of Wonder Woman is again picking up. Of all the stars out there who could take on the female superhero, Christina Hendricks is the first to say she’d be honored to.

A while back, as we also informed you, Megan Fox, then still a part of the huge “Transformers” franchise, shot down rumors of her starring in Wonder Woman because, as she put it, she considered the character “lame.”

Not only is it not “lame” for Hendricks but getting to play it could actually be the coronation of a lifelong dream of hers, she admitted in a recent interview cited by ScreenCrave.

“I just heard that rumor too,” Hendricks said on The Rachael Ray Show, when informed that fans would like to see her in the role.

“I don’t know where it got started but I love it. I’ve been wanting to wear that outfit my whole life. I had ‘Wonder Woman’ underoos! I’d love to. That would be so fun. We’re putting it out there,” the actress added.

She would make a wonderful Wonder Woman, ScreenCrave goes on to explain, much better than Megan Fox, because Hendricks is a role model for women of all ages in real life as well.

“I have to say, if there are any women out there that could fill the costume out right, it’s Hendricks. She’s got the body, mind, body, spirit and body to play a lead role as an action hero,” the e-zine notes.

“Plus, much like Wonder Woman herself, she is a wonderful role model for young women and easy on the eyes for everyone. I for one hope there’s some truth for this rumor and that they make it a big film!” SC enthuses.

However, while many would love to see Hendricks in Wonder Woman’s suit (even the new and “improved” one), other would rather have pop singer Katy Perry in it, as a recent poll revealed.