Oct 18, 2010 17:11 GMT  ·  By
Christina Hendricks is reportedly determined to lose weight, tired of being “curvy”
   Christina Hendricks is reportedly determined to lose weight, tired of being “curvy”

“Mad Men” star Christina Hendricks, a role model for the average woman, has bowed down to pressure from the industry, and is going on a diet to lose her famous curves, it has emerged.

Sources close to the star are speaking to the Daily Mail, spilling the beans on how Christina is reportedly tired of being the curviest girl on the block.

Therefore, she’s decided to lose weight: a lot of it actually, with sources saying she’s set on dropping at least 2 stone (approximately 12 kg).

“The 35-year-old, who has a stunning 39D-30-39 figure, has told friends she wants to lose more than two stone to conform with Hollywood’s svelte stars,” the Mail writes.

If true, this means Christina is going against her word by finally succumbing to pressure from the industry – and going on a diet to be like the rest of the stars out there.

“Christina has become an icon of curvaceousness, thanks to her role as Joan Holloway in the Sixties-set drama,” the Mail notes, adding that this is the kind of news that will certainly break the hearts of Hendricks’ male fans.

What bothers the star the most is that “curvy” is now just a fancy word for “fat” and she’s very upset about being labeled that.

“Christina has got sick of all the talk of her being the curviest woman in Hollywood. For her it basically meant she was being called fat,” a source dishes for the same publication.

“Now she’s gone against everything she believed in before by going on the first diet of her life,” the spy further says.

“Christina’s cut out carbs, and alcohol, although she’s not a big drinker. She’s eating fish oil to break down fat and pak choi and edamame nearly every meal,” the source explains.

Christina also plans on getting a new body in almost no time. “She hopes the first stone will fall off in the next month or so,” the spy adds.

As noted above, this goes against everything Christina has said so far: more than on a few occasions, the actress vouched she would never go on a diet or, even worse, starve herself simply because stick thin girls were “in.”