Feb 7, 2011 07:03 GMT  ·  By

Christina Aguilera sang the National Anthem at the Super Bowl XLV and, to everybody’s surprise, she messed up the lyrics. To her credit, though, she kept on singing, like a pro.

As the Washington Post also notes and the video below will confirm, Aguilera skipped an entire line altogether and, instead of it, she sang a line she’d already sung, only changing it a bit.

“Instead of ‘O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming,’ Aguilera belted out, ‘What so proudly we watched at the twilight’s last reaming’,” the Post says.

“That line was a repeat of one she had sung a few seconds earlier, with the word ‘gleaming’ being replaced by ‘reaming’,” the same e-zine notes.

Other media outlets report that people immediately started booing when they realized Aguilera had messed up the lyrics but, if they did, it’s not apparent in the video embedded at the end of the article.

Some publication and celebrity bloggers say that, while it’s admirable that she kept going, thus confirming that she’s a pro and she sang live, it would have befitted her to learn the lyrics.

Come to think of it, they say, this is an event watched live by millions of people and the National Anthem shouldn’t be so difficult to learn. It was her duty to get the lyrics by heart.

Aguilera, on her part, has issued a statement saying that, while she may have botched up the words a bit, she has hopes the spirit of the Anthem managed to shine through.

She did not apologize for the mistake, though.

“I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place. I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through,” she says in the statement.

As of now, bloggers and fans are debating on whether Aguilera’s mistake was just an honest one that can be easily forgiven, or a faux pas that should tell her she needs to act more professional in future live shows.

Check out Christina Aguilera singing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl XLV and judge for yourself.