Diva shoots music video, rocks pinkish hair and incredibly tight dress

Aug 27, 2012 13:39 GMT  ·  By

As Christina Aguilera is working on her comeback, her fans must be literally on the edge of their seat to hear her first single off the upcoming album. Hype around it is even higher because Christina is also shooting a video.

The other week, the diva teased fans by posting a photo on Twitter. It didn't show much but it did confirm that she was working on a video for the leading single, “Your Body.”

Xtina News has now a proper look at Christina in said video: she'll be rocking pinkish hair (perhaps a wig?) and a dress so tight it's a wonder she can still breathe, let alone move around.

The Sun has another pic from the set, of Aguilera (wearing matching pink heels and lipstick) brandishing a baseball bat.

Just so you know, expect something fierce from the “Your Body” video.