“Captain America” star reconsiders his stance after several PR missteps

Mar 25, 2014 15:33 GMT  ·  By
Chris Evans returns as Captain America this April with “The Winter Soldier,” the second installment in the franchise
   Chris Evans returns as Captain America this April with “The Winter Soldier,” the second installment in the franchise

When Sebastian Stan revealed that he had a 9-movie deal with Marvel and people realized that this meant he’d be doing 3 more movies than Chris Evans, who plays Captain America, an alarm rang: Marvel was probably thinking of making Stan Captain once they were done with Evans!

The rumor was fueled by many of Evans’ previous interviews and, in general, his entire attitude when it came to doing promo appearances for his own films. Most recently, he actually said that his heart was no longer in it when it came to doing Avengers movies, and that couldn’t have possibly sat well with Marvel bosses.

However, Chris is rebounding and rolling over just like he should have from the start. In a new interview with The Guardian, the actor, who is actually described in the piece as “happy to be a cog in the machine,” goes to great lengths to fix the damage he’s done by doing the proverbial biting of the hand that feeds him.

“Oh, it’s a cool corporation. It’s got the Midas touch. It would be one thing if they were kicking out [expletive] but they’re just consistently making good movies that are consistent successes. And they’re people who really care about movies,” he says.

“Marvel, even though they’re these massive movies that should just be a money-making machine pumping out product, at their heart they’re comic-book fans,” Evans adds.

This marks a startling contrast from the few interviews he did for the second “Captain America” film, “The Winter Soldier,” in which he basically said that Marvel was a soul-sucking and soul-crushing corporation that revolved around money, not quality, and that slowly but surely stifled every ounce of creativity and freedom left in him.

So either Marvel sat him down and reminded him that he’s contractually obligated to promote his own movies, or the whisper that he might be replaced very soon reached his people’s ears and they talked some sense into him.

Whichever it was, Chris is now playing by the rules of the game – and of the film industry. Not only is he no longer complaining about the pains of being a movie star, but he’s stopped lamenting his miserable fate at having signed a multi-movie deal with Marvel.

“It’s so nice. I love getting to be in The Avengers,” he says of preferring to shoot an Avengers movie than one with just his Captain.

“You just breathe a little bit. It’s not all about you. It’s so nice to have other people bearing the burden of responsibility. Anyone who knows me knows I’m perfectly happy with less is more. Whatever you want me to do. I’m happy to be here. I’m not trying to steal the show,” Evans adds.

“Captain America: The Winter Soldier” will be out in theaters this April.