The singer doesn't think he has himself to blame for being jailed

Mar 21, 2014 08:56 GMT  ·  By
A pensive Chris Brown reflects on what exaclty got him in so much trouble with the law
   A pensive Chris Brown reflects on what exaclty got him in so much trouble with the law

If there is one thing that Chris Brown will have plenty of time to do in the near future, that's going to be meditation. The singer is currently behind bars at least until April and he'll have all the time in the world to think about how he's gotten himself in this mess.

But chances are he's not going to point the blaming finger at himself, since sources close to him are saying he's putting all of his recent misfortunes and troubles on the fact that he's just too famous, according to Hollywoodlife.

While reports from behind bars of Brown claim he's not “doing well” and he's pleading with his lawyers to find a way out for him, he's also mad about the fact that his fame has gotten him into trouble. In fact, he's so certain that this is the reason why he's in jail right now that he's allegedly said “fame is a [expletive].”

The source quotes him when saying “He regrets being famous and having everything handed to him.” However, he does admit that he can't control himself at times, but that too is due to the fact that his fame meant he always got what he wanted and when he wanted it.

As Brown sulks in prison and recounts everything he's done and trying to justify himself, his lawyers are working over time to find a way to get him out of jail. There are reports that they are even looking at striking a deal with the injured party in the Washington D.C. incident that would mean a drop of charges.

However, that is not the only case that Chris has pending at the moment, so even that might not be enough to get a judge to sign his release. At the moment, Brown is in jail because he's violated parole and gotten himself out of rehab for violating internal rules.

It was revealed that Brown broke the ban imposed on him to keep a minimum distance of 2 feet (60 cm) between himself and all women in the facility, as well as failing to present himself for a scheduled drug test after he made a trip outside of rehab.

On top of all this, Brown repeatedly displayed a disrespectful attitude towards the program and bad-mouthed the facility during therapy sessions. As soon as the rehab kicked him out, police officers were present on scene to take him away to jail in downtown Los Angeles.