Google local chief predicts boom in the future

Nov 29, 2007 14:13 GMT  ·  By

How about the old days when Internet wasn't as well defined as it is today, the bohemian period that had plenty of capital and a lot of talent to match it? That was the period that hit the spot, much like high school when everybody discovered who he/she really was and friendships were being formed that would endure either for a lifetime (guys) or until the first opposite sex person would intervene between the two (girls).

That's much like the type of period China's Internet companies are reveling in right now while the US bigger brother seems mature enough to look at it with the all-encompassing eye and the understanding gaze of the one that has been in that spot and knows what it's all about.

Kai-Fu Lee, president of Google Greater China warned the participants at an industry conference in Beijing this week against a get rich quick mentality. "For many Chinese young people and young students, they have a very strong desire for innovation, for being successful, for starting their own businesses."

Henry Sanderson, of the Associated Press recalls that Zhang Ya-Quin, chief executive of Microsoft in China and its research development group said that out of the 300 thousand Chinese students that receive high-tech degrees annually only a few have the necessary curiosity and ideas in order to make it. "The executives said that between strong investor interest and an education system churning out information technology graduates by the thousand, the groundwork is solid for years of continued steady growth in China"

If you're going to be doing something in any domain of Internet businesses, China is the best place to go and start it as the local companies are "most likely to cater to local interests and local online needs which still remain largely unmet" according to one of the executives. You see why that's the best place to go.